British broadsheets use live blogs for 2010 general election
Denis Filed Under: Labels: Interactivity, online editions
The Guardian and the Times are using Live Blogs to cover the events on the campaign trail. The blogs are nearly akin to micro blogging, though not as sparse in the length of updates as Twitter.
The blogs ensure that all the election news is neatly aggregated and easily accessible by visitors.
The Guardian's blog is time stamped and has the party logos alongside the news when it relates to a specific party. There are also quote marks to the left if an indented quote to quickly identify them as such.
There is also an icon with arrows in an opposite direction to indicate that the author of the blog is changing. The blog links to other articles to allow readers read a more in depth article about the bigger stories. Web 2.0 is also included in the shape of tweets, which are clearly marked with the customary blue bird.
The blogs ensure that all the election news is neatly aggregated and easily accessible by visitors.
The Guardian's blog is time stamped and has the party logos alongside the news when it relates to a specific party. There are also quote marks to the left if an indented quote to quickly identify them as such.